Dealing with loose skin If you are beginning to feel your age, the harsh weather we’ve been experiencing may have been a contributory factor. Our skin suffers in the cold and wind and can often look particularly tired and grey during during the winter months. Now that the sun has finally made an appearance, Tight Light can give your skin … Read More
There’s still time to get that bikini body!
Streamline your body ready for summer with the Harley Body Wrap.
Losing the inches!
I-Lipo Ultra is a pain-free, non surgical version of liposuction. Lose the inches before your holiday at The Anti Ageing Clinic with this fantastic treatment.
There’s still time to get that bikini body!
Cellulite is one of those universal problems that affects women of all shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can fix it permanently, as even liposuction doesn’t change its appearance, but there are many things that can be done to reduce it long term.